Sophia MURRELL, 1846, age 18, Matthew Smith and Sophia Murrell Marriage 1846 Hanover Square
Sophia MURRELL, 1856, age 28, Thomas Seon and Sophia Smith Marriage 1856 Westminster
Sophia MURRELL, 1899, age 71, Sophia Seon 1899 Auckland
Sophia MURRELL, 1899, age 71, Sophia Murrell Seon
Sophia MURRELL, 1899, age 71, Sophia Seon Death 1899 Auckland
Sophia MURRELL, Seon Murrell marriage cert
Sophia MURRELL, 1828, age 0, Sophia Murrell Baptism 1828 Attleborough
Sophia MURRELL, Seon Family Notes
Sophia MURRELL, SeonFamilyBible_Page_1
Sophia MURRELL, SeonFamilyBible_Page_2
DOB Mentioned in the Seon family bible -