See also

Family of William BLAKE and Jane GIVEN

Husband: William BLAKE (1832-1872)
Wife: Jane GIVEN (1831-1891)
Children: William BLAKE (1857-1884)
David Austin BLAKE (1859-1937)
Euphemia BLAKE (1862-1889)
James BLAKE (1863-1937)
Helen BLAKE (1866-1909)
Ellen BLAKE (1867- )
Marriage 6 Jun 1856 Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

Husband: William BLAKE


William BLAKE


William BLAKE


William BLAKE, william's death certificate


William BLAKE, Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 6, Issue 250, 13 February 1917


William BLAKE, 1872, age 40, William Bake probate


William BLAKE, william Blake Grave




William BLAKE, Blake Family History Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 6, Issue 250, 13 February 1917

Name: William BLAKE
Sex: Male
Father: William BLAKE (1803-bef1855)
Mother: Helen GLASS (c. 1807-aft1870)
Cause of Death: From a burst Blood Vessel
Note 1:
New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1427, 13 June 1868, Page 5

Papers Past >
New Zealand Herald >
13 June 1868 >
Page 5 >


(from our own correspondant.) June 11th. An inquest was held this afternoon at tho Farmers' Hotel, before Charles ITellsop, Ksq , Coroner, upon the body of William Cossey, who died so suddenly yesterday. The following jury were sworn in : — William Hay (foreman), flonry Greenacre, Charles Knapp, George Olarkson, Henry Bull, George Godkin, William Blake, William Cossey, John Clarke, Frederick Molnnis, and Jamea Baker, after which they proceeded to view the body. Tho following witnesses were called :—

James Thomas Cossev, deposed : I reside at Drury and am brother of the deceased. I saw him nlive up to ten minutes to one yesterday. He aud I had been working together, at this time he put his hand to his chest and screamed out Oh, James, "what a pain,' and ran to the door. I followed him and got him on my knees, he heaved three times as if trying to vomit, the first time he brought up a kind of water, the second time something the color of brass, similar to bile, and the third time a small portion of bread. When my other brother, who was out, came back a few minutes after this, I sent him off for Dr. Rayner. I then, with my wife, bathed my brother's temples with cold water. He never spoke after he called out " Oh, James," he was twenty-six years of age, he was never ill since he was in the colony, he seemed in excellent spirits that morning, he was in town on Monday and came back the same night. He was a teetotaller. When I was bathing his temples something came in his throat and seemed to choke him. The doctor came in about twenty minutes after I had sent for him. My brother was not in the habit of lifting heavy weights. I saw him at breakfast that morning and he ate an excellent one. He died about four hours after breakfast.

Frederick Cossey, depoaed: The deceased was my brother ; it was about eight minutes to one yesterday when I left the shop, my-brother appeared to be in good health then; I had been working with him from seven o'clock that morning; I was away from ths shop about three minutes; when I returned my brother was insensible, I found him on my brother's knee, when I got back he was throwing up saliva ; I went for the doctor, but by the time I got my horse my brother William was all but dead. I have never heard him complain or seen him sick. _

William Blake, deposed ' About five minutes past one yesterday I heard that William Cosaey had fallen down in sickness. I ran down to the house to see if I could be of anyhelp. When I got to the house he was on his back in the passage of the workshop. I felt his feet—they were cold. I then felt his chest —there was a little heat. I advised them to apply hot water to his chest, it was done for ten minutes, but at that time he had no pulse, so I thought life was extinct. I have known deceased since I came to the country, and have never heard him complain of sickness. Frederick M. Innis saw the deceased at the same time as Mr. Blake. He was quite dead. Put his hand to his forehead and face—found them quite cold.

William Rayner, deposed: I am a duly qualified medical practitioner and member of the Boysl College of Surgeons, London. I have made a peat mortem examination on the body of William Oossey. I have carefully examined the respective organs of the body and find them generally healthy, with the exception of the heart. The heart presented that form of disease known as atrophy of the heart, it being much below the normal standard in size. I regard that asthe predisposing cause, the exciting cause being a sudden attack of spasm, giving rise to a form of disease known as angina pectoris, to which I attribute the cause of death, producing immediate suffocation. I examined ilie stomach and found it perfectly healthy, but empty. I consider there is nothing inconsistent in the eridence I have heard read over with the cause of death. The Coroner shortly addressed the jury. The jury returned the following verdict:—"That. William Gossey, on the 10th day of June, died of disease of the heart (angina pectoris), by the visitation of God, in a natural way, and not by any violent means whatever."
Birth 6 Jul 1832 Burntisland, Fife, Scotland
Baptism 22 Jul 1832 (age 0) Burntisland, Fife, Scotland
Immigration 19 Oct 1859 (age 27) to Auckland, New Zealand from Liverpool, Lancashire, England
on the "Mermaid". from Liverpool. List published "The Southern Cross", 21/10/1859

For those interested in the details of the voyage faced by the passengers, as well as what is noted below, there is also available on line a 9 page easily read diary written by James Qualtrough, a passenger on the same voyage. He was one of the number who orginated from The Isle of Man. see

Mermaid-Passengers | THE QUALTROUGH FAMILY ...
Departed Liverpool, England, 11 July 1859; arrived Auckland, New Zealand, ... White and when we (the reporters) left the ship, they (the passangers) were ...

1233 ton ship

Liverpool to Auckland (19 Oct 1859)
Under Captain J. White


BLAKE William
Blake Jane
Blake William

NOTE; the list of passengers was of course far larger than just this family of 3. There were over 320 passengers.

Source: The Southern Cross, 21 Oct 1859
The New Zealander, 17 Oct 1859
(transcribed by: 0032006)

Above FROM
below from RootsWeb.

Daily Southern Cross, 21 October 1859, Page 2
The Mermaid, Captain James "White, one of the " White Star" line of Liverpool packets, arrived in harbour on Wednesday at 4 a.m., having been signalled during the greater part of the previous afternoon. The Mermaid is a fine vessel of 1326 tons register, built at St. John's, New Brunswick, and an old Melbourne trader. She left Liverpool on the 11th July at 5 p.m., in tow, had fine weather through the Bay of Biscay, and fell in with the N.E. trades in 26 ° 29' The line was crossed on August 12, in 22 ° 50' ; and the Mermaid ran down subsequently to 29 ° 46' W. long. The meridian of the Cape was crossed on the 5th Sept. ; and her highest latitude was 51 ° 55' S. The prevailing winds between the Cape and New Zealand were .from N. E. to N. W. King's Island, off the North Cape, was made on the 15th instant, and the Mermaid has experienced since principally light southerly winds. She anchored off Rangitoto reef at half past 9 on Tuesday evening. Passengers have been very healthy during the voyage; three infants died, and one birth occurred. The passengers speak highly of Captain White and officers, and two addresses presented on the arrival of the ship here will appear in our next.
Below From
Voices from Auckland, New Zealand. "New-Zealander" Office, — Auckland, October 26, 1859

On the 19th instant, the "Mermaid" (Capt. White, 1,233 tons)—the second vessel of the well-known Liverpool "White Star" line—arrived in harbour, with 322 passengers, all in good health and spirits. The immigrants by this noble vessel will form a highly intelligent and eligible addition to our population; among them are a large party from the Isle of Man; and we are glad to learn that another special settlement will be formed out of their number.
Residence 12 Apr 1865 (age 32) Drury, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
As published in 'Daily Southern Cross" 12/4/1865, page 6. Freehold property in Drury.
Residence btw 1870 and 1871 (age 37-39) Drury, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
Death 27 Jun 1872 (age 40) Drury, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
Cause: From a burst Blood Vessel
Burial 27 Jun 1872 Drury Presbyterian Cemetery
Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current

Wife: Jane GIVEN




Jane GIVEN, william Blake Grave

Name: Jane GIVEN
Sex: Female
Father: -
Mother: -
Cause of Death: BREAST CANCER, 9 months
Birth 1831 Elie, Fifeshire, Scotland
Immigration 19 Oct 1859 (age 27-28) to Auckland, New Zealand from Liverpool, Lancashire, England
on the "Mermaid". from Liverpool. List published "The Southern Cross", 21/10/1859

For those interested in the details of the voyage faced by the passengers, as well as what is noted below, there is also available on line a 9 page easily read diary written by James Qualtrough, a passenger on the same voyage. He was one of the number who orginated from The Isle of Man. see

Mermaid-Passengers | THE QUALTROUGH FAMILY ...
Departed Liverpool, England, 11 July 1859; arrived Auckland, New Zealand, ... White and when we (the reporters) left the ship, they (the passangers) were ...

1233 ton ship

Liverpool to Auckland (19 Oct 1859)
Under Captain J. White


BLAKE William
Blake Jane
Blake William

NOTE; the list of passengers was of course far larger than just this family of 3. There were over 320 passengers.

Source: The Southern Cross, 21 Oct 1859
The New Zealander, 17 Oct 1859
(transcribed by: 0032006)

Above FROM
below from RootsWeb.

Daily Southern Cross, 21 October 1859, Page 2
The Mermaid, Captain James "White, one of the " White Star" line of Liverpool packets, arrived in harbour on Wednesday at 4 a.m., having been signalled during the greater part of the previous afternoon. The Mermaid is a fine vessel of 1326 tons register, built at St. John's, New Brunswick, and an old Melbourne trader. She left Liverpool on the 11th July at 5 p.m., in tow, had fine weather through the Bay of Biscay, and fell in with the N.E. trades in 26 ° 29' The line was crossed on August 12, in 22 ° 50' ; and the Mermaid ran down subsequently to 29 ° 46' W. long. The meridian of the Cape was crossed on the 5th Sept. ; and her highest latitude was 51 ° 55' S. The prevailing winds between the Cape and New Zealand were .from N. E. to N. W. King's Island, off the North Cape, was made on the 15th instant, and the Mermaid has experienced since principally light southerly winds. She anchored off Rangitoto reef at half past 9 on Tuesday evening. Passengers have been very healthy during the voyage; three infants died, and one birth occurred. The passengers speak highly of Captain White and officers, and two addresses presented on the arrival of the ship here will appear in our next.
Below From
Voices from Auckland, New Zealand. "New-Zealander" Office, — Auckland, October 26, 1859

On the 19th instant, the "Mermaid" (Capt. White, 1,233 tons)—the second vessel of the well-known Liverpool "White Star" line—arrived in harbour, with 322 passengers, all in good health and spirits. The immigrants by this noble vessel will form a highly intelligent and eligible addition to our population; among them are a large party from the Isle of Man; and we are glad to learn that another special settlement will be formed out of their number.
Death 10 Jan 1891 (age 59-60) Drury, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
Cause: BREAST CANCER, 9 months
When Jane died she had two sons, aged 31 and 26 (David and James and a daughter of 24 (Ellen?) still alive
Burial 1891 Drury Presbyterian Cemetery
Australia and New Zealand, Find A Grave Index, 1800s-Current

Child 1: William BLAKE


William BLAKE, william Blake Grave


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith Probate FL47905054


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905055


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905056


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905057


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905058


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905059


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905051


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905052


William BLAKE, BLAKE William - Drury - Blacksmith ProbateFL47905053

Name: William BLAKE
Sex: Male
Nickname: Willie
Birth 17 Mar 1857 Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Death 9 Jan 1884 (age 26) Pukekohe, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
Burial 1884 Drury Presbyterian Cemetery

Child 2: David Austin BLAKE


David Austin BLAKE, David Austin Blake


David Austin BLAKE, David and Elizabeth Blake


David Austin BLAKE, David Austin Blake birth cert


David Austin BLAKE, David Austin Blake and Elizabeth Hyland marriage


David Austin BLAKE, David Austin Blake Grave PKPRS-E-052


David Austin BLAKE, 1937 obit D A Blake


David Austin BLAKE


David Austin BLAKE, Will of George Blake


David Austin BLAKE, Blake Family History Pukekohe & Waiuku Times, Volume 6, Issue 250, 13 February 1917


David Austin BLAKE, 1907, age 47, D Blake & JA Blake at Pukekohe footbal club Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 111, 10 May 1907, Page 3


David Austin BLAKE, 1892, age 33, Dave & Lizzie Blake 1892 - Annie Blakes sister


Spouse: Jessie Sinclair DOUGLAS


Spouse: ELIZABETH HYLAND, ElizabethBlake, nee Hyland


Spouse: ELIZABETH HYLAND, David and Elizabeth Blake


Spouse: ELIZABETH HYLAND, ElizabethBlake, 1945 Death notice


Spouse: ELIZABETH HYLAND, ElizabethBlake, nee Hyland Gravestone


Spouse: ELIZABETH HYLAND, David Austin Blake Grave PKPRS-E-052


Spouse: ELIZABETH HYLAND, New Zealand, Cemetery Records, 1800-2007 Pukekohe Blake -clews


Spouse: ELIZABETH HYLAND, Elizabeth Hyland NZSG Franklin Suffrage 125 Vol1 2018 original

Name: David Austin BLAKE
Sex: Male
Spouse 1: Jessie Sinclair DOUGLAS (1865-1891)
Spouse 2: ELIZABETH HYLAND (1867-1945)
Children: Ellen Jane BLAKE (1885-1971)
Margaret Douglas BLAKE (1887-1969)
John Sholto BLAKE (1889-1889)
Jessie Austin BLAKE (1890-1891)
David BLAKE (1893-1959)
Dorothy Hyland BLAKE (1895-1972)
James BLAKE (1896-1942)
Norman Austin BLAKE (1899-1958)
Harold Victor BLAKE (1904-1965)
Birth 20 Nov 1859 Auckland, New Zealand
Death 6 Jun 1937 (age 77) Pukekohe, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
Burial 1937 Pukekohe Cemetery, Auckland, New Zealand
Presbyterian Section RowE - 2 Plot 50

Child 3: Euphemia BLAKE


Euphemia BLAKE, 1889 d Euphemia Blackhall


Spouse: Thomas Nisbet Grayson BLACKHALL

Name: Euphemia BLAKE
Sex: Male
Spouse: Thomas Nisbet Grayson BLACKHALL (1863-1949)
Children: Jane BLAKE (1888-1894)
Birth 3 Jan 1862 Drury, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
Death 25 May 1889 (age 27) Drury, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand

Child 4: James BLAKE


Spouse: Louisa Maria GLOVER, Louisa & Jessie blake


Spouse: Louisa Maria GLOVER

Name: James BLAKE
Sex: Male
Nickname: Jim
Spouse: Louisa Maria GLOVER (c. 1864-1919)
Children: Jessie Margaret BLAKE (1896-1965)
James Glover BLAKE (1898-1981)
Birth 8 Dec 1863 Drury, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand
Death 9 May 1937 (age 73) Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand

Child 5: Helen BLAKE

Name: Helen BLAKE
Sex: Female
Nickname: Nell
Spouse 1: Arthur HORNE ( - )
Spouse 2: James HURLEY ( - )
Birth 6 Dec 1866
Death 13 Jun 1909 (age 42)

Child 6: Ellen BLAKE

Name: Ellen BLAKE
Sex: Female
Birth 1867 Pukekohe, Franklin, Auckland, New Zealand

Note on Husband: William BLAKE (1)

Note on Husband: William BLAKE (2)


New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1427, 13 June 1868, Page 5


Papers Past >

New Zealand Herald >

13 June 1868 >

Page 5 >






(from our own correspondant.) June 11th. An inquest was held this afternoon at tho Farmers' Hotel, before Charles ITellsop, Ksq , Coroner, upon the body of William Cossey, who died so suddenly yesterday. The following jury were sworn in : — William Hay (foreman), flonry Greenacre, Charles Knapp, George Olarkson, Henry Bull, George Godkin, William Blake, William Cossey, John Clarke, Frederick Molnnis, and Jamea Baker, after which they proceeded to view the body. Tho following witnesses were called :—


James Thomas Cossev, deposed : I reside at Drury and am brother of the deceased. I saw him nlive up to ten minutes to one yesterday. He aud I had been working together, at this time he put his hand to his chest and screamed out Oh, James, "what a pain,' and ran to the door. I followed him and got him on my knees, he heaved three times as if trying to vomit, the first time he brought up a kind of water, the second time something the color of brass, similar to bile, and the third time a small portion of bread. When my other brother, who was out, came back a few minutes after this, I sent him off for Dr. Rayner. I then, with my wife, bathed my brother's temples with cold water. He never spoke after he called out " Oh, James," he was twenty-six years of age, he was never ill since he was in the colony, he seemed in excellent spirits that morning, he was in town on Monday and came back the same night. He was a teetotaller. When I was bathing his temples something came in his throat and seemed to choke him. The doctor came in about twenty minutes after I had sent for him. My brother was not in the habit of lifting heavy weights. I saw him at breakfast that morning and he ate an excellent one. He died about four hours after breakfast.


Frederick Cossey, depoaed: The deceased was my brother ; it was about eight minutes to one yesterday when I left the shop, my-brother appeared to be in good health then; I had been working with him from seven o'clock that morning; I was away from ths shop about three minutes; when I returned my brother was insensible, I found him on my brother's knee, when I got back he was throwing up saliva ; I went for the doctor, but by the time I got my horse my brother William was all but dead. I have never heard him complain or seen him sick. _


William Blake, deposed ' About five minutes past one yesterday I heard that William Cosaey had fallen down in sickness. I ran down to the house to see if I could be of anyhelp. When I got to the house he was on his back in the passage of the workshop. I felt his feet—they were cold. I then felt his chest —there was a little heat. I advised them to apply hot water to his chest, it was done for ten minutes, but at that time he had no pulse, so I thought life was extinct. I have known deceased since I came to the country, and have never heard him complain of sickness. Frederick M. Innis saw the deceased at the same time as Mr. Blake. He was quite dead. Put his hand to his forehead and face—found them quite cold.


William Rayner, deposed: I am a duly qualified medical practitioner and member of the Boysl College of Surgeons, London. I have made a peat mortem examination on the body of William Oossey. I have carefully examined the respective organs of the body and find them generally healthy, with the exception of the heart. The heart presented that form of disease known as atrophy of the heart, it being much below the normal standard in size. I regard that asthe predisposing cause, the exciting cause being a sudden attack of spasm, giving rise to a form of disease known as angina pectoris, to which I attribute the cause of death, producing immediate suffocation. I examined ilie stomach and found it perfectly healthy, but empty. I consider there is nothing inconsistent in the eridence I have heard read over with the cause of death. The Coroner shortly addressed the jury. The jury returned the following verdict:—"That. William Gossey, on the 10th day of June, died of disease of the heart (angina pectoris), by the visitation of God, in a natural way, and not by any violent means whatever."

Note on Wife: Jane GIVEN

Note on Child 1: William BLAKE

Note on Child 2: David Austin BLAKE

Note on Child 3: Euphemia BLAKE

Note on Child 4: James BLAKE

Note on Child 6: Ellen BLAKE